02-05-10                                                         We      We      We

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Description                                                   Used   Used   New



300: March To Glory                                      5          12

50 Cent Bulletproof G Unit Edition                5          14

7 Wonders of the Ancient World                    2          7

Ace Combat X: Skies of Deception               8          16

Activision Hits Remixed                                 8          17

Aedis Eclipse (Generation of Chaos)           4          12

After Burner: Black Falcon                            8          17

Air Conflicts                                                   6          16

Alien Syndrome                                              2          7

Aliens vs. Predator                                         8          19

Ape Escape Academy                                    5          12

Ape Escape: On the Loose                            3          9

Armored Core: Formula Front                      5          12

Army of Two: 40th Day                                    15        29        37.95

AssassinÕs Creed: Bloodlines                       15        29        37.95

Astonishia Story                                             3          9

Astro Boy                                                        8          16        19.95

Atari Classics Evolved                                   5          12        14.95

ATV Offroad Fury: Blazin' Trails                  3          9

ATV Offroad Fury: Pro                                   4          14

Avatar: Last Airbender                                   8          16        19.95

Avatar The Game                                           15        29        37.95

B-Boy                                                              5          12        14.95

BattleZone                                                      10        19

Beaterator                                                       6          16        19.95

Ben 10: Alien Force                                       8          16        19.95

Ben 10: Alien Force Vilgax Attacks               10        22        27.95

Ben 10: Protector of Earth                             7          15

Beowulf                                                           4          12

Bigs, The                                                        3          8

Bigs 2                                                             6          16

Blade Dancer                                                 5          14

Blitz: Overtime                                                3          9

Blokus Portable                                              3          9

Bomberman                                                    7          16

Bomberman Land                                           3          9          14.95

Bounty Hounds                                               3          8

Brave Story: New Traveller                            5          15

Brooktown High                                              3          9          14.95

Brothers In Arms: D-Day                               10        24

Brunswick Pro Bowling                                  4          12

Bubble Bobble Evolution                                6          14

Burnout Dominator                                         8          16        19.95

Burnout Legends                                            6          16

Bust-A-Move Deluxe                                      10        19

Buzz: Master Quiz                                         1          7

Cabela's African Safari                                 6          16

Cabela's Dangerous Hunts                          8          16

CabelaÕs Legenday Adventures                     6          16

Cake Mania BakerÕs Challenge                    4          12

Call of Duty: Roads To Victory                      12        24

Capcom Classics Collection Remix             5          12        14.95

Capcom Classics Reloaded                         5          12

Capcom Puzzle World                                   6          14

Carol Vorderman's Sudoku                           2          7          9.95

Cars                                                                5          12        14.95

Cars: Race-O-Rama                                     8          16        19.95

Castlevania: Dracula X Chronicles              2          8

Chameleon                                                     3          8

Chessmaster: Art of Learning                       4          12

Chili Con Carnage                                        6          16

Class of Heroes                                             12        29

Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs               10        22        27.95

Code Lyoko: Quest for Infinity                        6          16

Coded Arms                                                   4          12

Coded Arms: Contagion                                8          16

Con                                                                 2          7

Crash of the Titans                                        8          16        19.95

Crash Tag Team Racing                              8          16

Crash: Mind Over Mutant                              8          16        19.95

Crazy Taxi: Fare Wars                                  6          16

Crimson Gem Saga                                       12        24        27.95

Crush                                                              3          12

Cube                                                               3          8          9.95

Darkstalkers Chronicle: Chaos Tower         5          14

Dave Mirra BMX Challenge                         4          12

Daxter                                                             6          16

 (Must Have Original Box!)

Dead Head Fred                                            2          7

Dead To Rights: Reckoning                         6          16

Death Jr.                                                         3          9         

Death Jr. II: Root of Evil                                 4          12

Def Jam: Fight For NY: Takeover                 12        24

Diner Dash                                                     5          12